The evidence-based resources included here were developed by the Family Acceptance Project (FAP) and are rooted in FAP’s groundbreaking research with LGBTQ youth, young adults and families. This research and guidance from the lived experiences of ethnically, racially and religiously diverse families with LGBTQ young people enabled FAP to develop the first evidence-based family support model to prevent health risks and promote well-being for LGBTQ children and youth. FAP continues to produce a series of evidence-based resources to help to decrease health risks and promote well-being for LGBTQ children and youth.
“Best Practice” Resources for Suicide Prevention for LGBTQ Youth
(English, Spanish & Chinese and a growing series of faith-based versions)
Key information from FAP’s research on how families can help support their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ) children to reduce health risks and support positive development. These family education booklets have been designated as “Best Practice” resources for suicide prevention for LGBTQ young people by the Best Practices Registry for Suicide Prevention.
Available from FAP in 10 languages, including English, Spanish, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Hindi, Korean, Japanese, Punjabi, Tagalog and Vietnamese. Other versions are in development.
Series of 3 posters that tell the “story” of family accepting and rejecting behaviors and show how these behaviors contribute to serious health risks including suicidal behavior and drug use and how they help protect against risk and promote well-being. Each poster includes common accepting and rejecting behaviors that are expressed across diverse cultures. The posters are available to download free in 4 sizes and include the camera-ready art to take to a commercial printer.
Although it may seem surprising to many people who are concerned about the health and well-being of children and youth, before the Family Acceptance Project was established 20 years ago, no one had studied LGBTQ young people and families. As a result, many mainstream services, including government agencies, have not included services and support for diverse families with LGBTQ children. As the Family Acceptance Project has shown, families can learn to support their LGBTQ children when services are provided in ways that are culturally relevant for them. Culturally appropriate services are needed to help families learn to support their LGBTQ children to reduce serious health risks, strengthen families and support positive development. Use this website to learn about these issues to provide support for LGBTQ children, youth and families – urgently needed now as LGBTQ young people and families are coping with the losses from Covid-19.
A publication for faith communities and families on supporting LGBTQ youth to prevent mental health risks and to increase support, published by the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. GAP is a professional organization of thought leaders in the field of psychiatry who provide guidance on addressing critical emerging mental health issues.